With this season new cover programme. This programme with match Division One
Liverpool-Mancester C (04.09.1935). With this season programmes printed for Liverpool AFC.
With this season new cover programme. This programme with match Division One
Liverpool-Everton (30.09.1933). How you look on cuver progranne, programmes use for
Everton and Liverpool. If player in red shirt, this know what programmes used for
Liverpool home match's.
With this season new cover programme. This programme with match Liverpool in season
1934-35. How you look on cuver progranne, programmes use for Everton and Liverpool. If
player in red shirt, this know what programmes used for Liverpool home match's.
If anyone has any programmes which you do not have shown above, then please contact
me. If you have not need to you programmes, you can send me, address in above left.